Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #1

About this product

The Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #1 (#58723-16010), a vital body part in the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system, plays a significant role in safeguarding the interior sides of the luggage space. This part, designed for exact vehicle compatibility, works by shielding the compartment sides from potential scratches, dents, or other damage caused by luggage movement while the vehicle is in operation. Given the wear and tear it endures, this protector may need periodic replacements. If it becomes old or broken, the unprotected side panels might get damaged, affecting the aesthetics and potentially the resale value of your vehicle. Remember, only genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, making them a reliable choice. In conclusion, the Luggage Compartment Si Cover Protector #1 (#58723-16010) not only maintains the vehicle's interior aesthetics but also contributes to preserving the vehicle's overall value.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58723-16010

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