Fuel Tube Bracket #2

About this product

The Fuel Tube Bracket #2 (#58368-42020), a vital auto part within the Body Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system and the Body Rear Floor Panel & Rear Floor Member system, has a fundamental role in securing the fuel lines of your Toyota vehicle. This stability is crucial in preventing possible leaks or damage due to vibrations or impact while driving. With time, this bracket can wear out, become damaged, or corroded. In such conditions, the fuel line could lose its secure hold, leading to potential leaks, and in worst cases, a fire hazard. Genuine replacement parts from Toyota offer perfect compatibility and are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. The Fuel Tube Bracket #2 (#58368-42020) not only improves the overall system's efficiency but also significantly enhances safety by preventing fuel leaks. Maintaining this part in good condition is crucial for a safe and efficient driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58368-42020

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